We have been made aware that recently foster, relative and kinship providers have been sent directly to the Highway Patrol to have fingerprints completed rather than sending the fingerprint cards through the Background Screening and Investigation Unit (BSIU). All foster, relative and kinship providers, both initially and at renewal, should have fingerprints taken by the local office or contracted provider following the process outlined in Memorandum CD04-05. These should then be submitted to BSIU for completion by the Missouri State Highway Patrol (MSHP) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). 

No foster, relative or kinship provider should be sent to the Highway Patrol for fingerprinting except in extreme emergencies and with Regional Director approval. The following is the procedure when sending foster, relative and kinship providers to the Highway Patrol. 

  • Regional Director gives approval for foster, relative or kinship provider to go to MSHP 
  • The licensing worker contacts BSIU at 573-751-3448 to make arrangements for foster, relative or kinship provider to go to MSHP. 
  • The licensing worker will need to provide the following information at the time arrangements are made: 
    1. Date of birth on each person to be fingerprinted 
    2. Social Security number on each person to be fingerprinted 
    3. Date each person plans to be at MSHP for fingerprinting 
    4. Copy of Regional Director’s Approval
  • The foster, relative or kinship provider will need to bring the rejected fingerprint card with them if they are being sent to MSHP due to the return of the cards (due to bad prints, unreadable prints, etc). 

Foster, relative and kinship providers should not be sent to MSHP except in extreme emergencies and without prior arrangements being made. This procedure was developed due to many concerns that arise when prospective providers are sent without prior notification and approval. First, the families will be charged to have their fingerprint checks completed. The cost is $14 for the MSHP screening and $24 for FBI screening and this cost can not be reimbursed by the Division. Secondly, staff at MSHP must handle any walk-in requests immediately and this takes them away from fingerprint cards that were sent in for processing and creates further delays for other prospective homes. It also creates issues for chain of evidence since the results will be given directly to the prospective providers and will not be processed through BSIU. This also means that our tracking and statistics will not be accurate which can affect funding and create other issues with the legislature and our consumers. By following all procedures for completing fingerprint background screens, we can limit the problems experienced by staff and families. It is the goal of the Division and the Missouri State Highway Patrol to streamline this process and decrease the turnaround time for results. However, this can not be done without the cooperation of all staff, contracted providers and families. 

Additional fingerprinting cards can be ordered through the warehouse. They are form #FD-258. Additional information regarding ordering fingerprinting cards can be obtained by reviewing Memorandum CD04-05. 


  1. Review this memorandum with all Children’s Division staff. 
  2. Review Memorandum CD04-05. 
  3. The following sections have been changed in the Child Welfare Manual Intranet site:
    • Section 6, Chapter 3, Attachment A, Guide for Conducting Foster/Kinship Family Assessments 
    • Section 6, Chapter 3, Attachment D, Guide for Conducting Renewal Assessment 
  4. All comments and questions regarding this memorandum should be cleared through normal supervisory channels.