GA :: Child Welfare Policy Manual :: Chapter 13 Independent Living Program :: Section 13.15 Events

GA :: Child Welfare Policy Manual :: Chapter 13 Independent Living Program :: Section 13.15 Events


John H Chafee Foster Care Independence (Foster Care Independence Act of 1999, P.L. 106- 149)


The Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) shall ensure that the Independent Living Program (ILP) events are in support of one or more of the Chafee purpose goals for eligible youth by adhering to the following process:

  1. Developing an annual ILP Event Plan for the fiscal year;
  2. Requiring all ILP Events and related purchases have advance approval by the ILP Manager/Designee;
  3. Tracking the success of ILP Events; and
  4. Requiring a plan for handling purchase overages for ILP Events.


The State ILP Manager or Designee will:

1. Develop, with the participation of the Independent Living Specialist (ILS), an annual ILP Event Plan for the upcoming fiscal year. Events may be updated or added throughout the year to meet youth needs. The Annual ILP Event Plan will be prepared for and incorporated in the fourth quarter report.

The Independent Living Specialist (ILS) will:

  1. Obtain advance approval for all ILP events by completing the ILP Event Purchase Request (PR) Form. The PR will include, at minimum:
    1. Agenda
    2. Event objective
    3. Logistics
    4. Marketing Plan for the targeted population
    5. RSVP plan
    6. Incentives being offered
    7. Refreshments (meals and snacks)

      NOTE: All vendors that are not under a formal contract and identified to provide a good/service for an ILP event, at minimum, must be vetted through the Secretary of State, Federal Excluded Parties List and the State Suspended and Debarred Suppliers List (see policy 13.16 Independent Living Program: Vendor Contracts).

  2. Notify the County Director for county specific events, or the Regional Director for regional functions.
  3. Submit the PR form to the ILP Manager or Designee for final approval.

    NOTE: The State of Georgia P-Card should be used for all ILP event purchases unless the vendor does not accept VISA® credit card purchases. In this case, the purchase should be made using the Purchase Order process (see Department of Administration Services Georgia Procurement Manual Chapter 6 - Award Process Section 6.3 State and Supplier Finalize Contract Award - 6.3.1 Purchasing Order).

  4. Ensure that all youth that attend the ILP events are accounted for by having the youth sign in using the ILP Event Sign-In Log.
  5. At the time of the event, require any youth that received an incentive sign the ILP Incentive Log and/or Gift Card Log indicating receipt of the item(s) obtained during the ILP Event (see policy 13.14 Independent Living Program: Asset Inventory).


At the conclusion of the ILP Event, the ILS will:

  1. Disburse excess food to the following individuals/groups:
    1. Participating youth;
    2. Groups homes;
    3. Caregivers; and/or
    4. Local non-profits.
  2. Complete and submit the ILP After Event Review Form (AER) within seven (7) business days to the ILP Manager. The AER must include, at minimum:
    1. Any invoices or receipts associated with the ILP Event;
    2. Description of what occurred with the excess refreshments and incentives;
    3. Documentation on whether the registered youth actually attended the event. 

      NOTE: The ILS should notify County Directors or Room Board and Watchful Oversight (RBWO) agency Directors when a pattern of “no shows” and/or attendance without reservation occur regarding youth in their care or placement.

The Social Services Case Managers, ILS and/or Providers will:

  1. Document the youth attendance at the ILP event and relevance to their Written Transitional Living Program (WTLP) goals in Georgia SHINES, Log of Contacts.
  2. Update the Youth Detail Page in Georgia SHINES, if applicable. (SSCM only) 

    NOTE: This is required for all events applicable to the services category subjects.


The John H Chafee Foster Care Independence Program (CFCIP) provides flexible funding to support the personal achievement and development of youth likely to remain in foster care through 18 years of age successfully transition to adulthood. In support of those goals, the state Independent Living Program (ILP) hosts events for eligible youth that include life skills workshops, support groups, social outings, and other such group activities. Youth who attend these events are able to socialize with their peers and build lasting relationships that can carry into their transition to adulthood. ILP events further enable youth to engage in learning that will be directly applicable to goals outlined in their WTLP and develop skills that can be applied during the transition out of foster care.


Federal Excluded Parties List

Gift Card Log

ILP After Event Review Form

ILP Event Purchase Request Form

 ILP Event Sign–In Log

ILP Incentive Log

ILP Inventory Asset Log 

Secretary of State

State Suspended and Debarred Suppliers List

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