If the Plan for the child is non-reunification with the birth parents, you will be notified of the agency’s plans to terminate parental rights, if that is the case. You will also be given an opportunity to sign off on form 149, Notification to Foster Parents of Intent to Petition for Termination of Parental Rights (see Form 149 in the appendix). If you have an interest in adopting a child who has been in your home over a period of time, and you have been successfully meeting the child’s needs, you are an ideal resource for adoption.
In this situation, the child gets to remain in a familiar environment that has been both safe and nurturing, and there is no need to uproot the child for yet another move. As foster parents, you have a right to apply, along with other possible resources, to be considered for the adoptive placement of a child in your home. No one has the absolute right to adopt a child in placement, however.
You will also have an opportunity to confirm your disinterest in adopting a particular child in your home whose parental rights are scheduled to be terminated. The form 149 has a waiver section for this purpose. The child is placed in a foster/adopt home in a timely man.
If you find that you and your family cannot assume permanent custody of a child in your care, you should make this known to the Case Manager as soon as you are made aware of plans to sever parental rights. Take caution not to allow yourself to be pressured into adopting a child whom you feel you are unable to parent on a permanent basis. In fact, there may be more urging and coaxing from the child to adopt rather than the agency. Adoption is a serious and permanent commitment to the life of a child. You will be making someone a permanent member of your family, which includes all of the emotional and legal ramifications involved in being family. In addition, you will have the long-term task of assisting the child with issues relative to adoption.
If your hesitancy to adopt involves the lack of financial resources, this can be alleviated with the adoption subsidy. The subsidy is for the maintenance of special needs children in an adoptive placement and is the same dollar amount as the monthly per diem for children receiving regular foster care services at the time of placement. The agency will calculate the amount of monthly adoption subsidy received for children receiving the various Level of Care (LOC) services. Other adoption services provided to families adopting special needs children include medical coverage, respite care and other specialized services which the Case Manager will review with you.
The Case Manager will review and have you sign additional forms relative to the child’s adoption. These include the following:
- Form 150 (Foster Parent Affidavit for Consideration of Adopting Foster Child Currently in Home) is provided for your signature following your discussion of the various aspects of the adoption with a Case Manager, including the opportunity to apply to adopt. See a copy of Form 150 in the appendix.
- Form 151 (Foster Parent Notification of Decision Regarding Adopting Foster Child Currently in the Home) is provided for your written decision to adopt/not to adopt the child in your home and is signed by the foster parents. Take care to submit the form by the due date indicated, within 30 days of the initial staffing at which you signed Form 150. A copy of form 151 is found in the appendix.
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