GA :: Foster Parent Manual 2017 :: Adoptive And Foster Parent Association Of Georgia (AFPAG)

GA :: Foster Parent Manual 2017 :: Adoptive And Foster Parent Association Of Georgia (AFPAG)

DFCS strongly supports and encourages the formation of foster parent organizations throughout the state. Local organizations may vary slightly, although they will generally conform to the goals of the National Foster Parent Association and the Adoptive and Foster Parent Association of Georgia (AFPAG). The primary purposes of the national and state foster parent associations are to improve the circumstances of children in foster care, to assist in DFCS’s efforts to incorporate foster parents as team members, and to advocate both for children in care and foster parents -- and in many instances, for the agency. 

While interacting in groups, foster parents provide one another with invaluable support and new insights into caring for children in placement, all centered on what is in the best interest of the child. 

AFPAG, along with local child service organizations, associations, and advocates, has been instrumental in the development and implementation of beneficial DFCS policy changes. Examples include revisions to the foster parent grievance procedure, training requirements, smoke detector and fire safety policies, state reimbursement for foster child funeral expenses, practices related to the removal of children from foster homes, school clothing for kindergarten children, the participation of foster parents in reviews, and the development of a Foster Child Information Sheet (Appendix B). Local associations have been successful in planning and providing excellent regional training sessions. 

The AFPAG plans and makes all arrangements for an annual statewide educational training conference. The most effective associations work closely with their county DFCS offices. While the AFPAG does assist and support local associations, it is autonomous and develops its own guidelines.

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