The child’s case manager will be supportive to those who have had a meaningful and/or legal relationship with the child, including his or her relatives (parents, siblings, and other relatives) and current or former foster parents. The case manager will inform the appropriate persons of the child’s death, understand, and respect their grief, and will assist the child’s birth parents to plan an appropriate service. The case manager will express to the birth parent(s) the foster parent’s interest in attending the service or desire to participate in a meaningful way, if the foster parents desire.
If the birth parents are unable to participate in the planning of the services, the case manager will initiate plans for the burial service and other events that must be completed. It is anticipated the child’s case manager and other service providers who have worked closely with the child or his or her family may desire to attend the services. Anyone involved in the care of the child may want to contribute toward flowers, funeral costs, or another donation in memory of the child.
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