GA :: Foster Parent Manual 2017 :: Independent Living Program :: Intro

GA :: Foster Parent Manual 2017 :: Independent Living Program :: Intro

Georgia’s Independent Living Program (ILP) is designed to provide eligible youth who are currently (or were formerly) in foster care with the skills necessary to successfully prepare them to transition into adulthood. The program’s goal is to prepare every young adult to become self-sufficient, live independently, and maintain stable employment while becoming a well-rounded, healthy, happy young adult.

Eligibility is open to all teens and young adults between the ages of 14 and 21 if: 

  • He or she has been in DFCS custody as a foster child for at least six non-consecutive months prior to reaching age 18; 
  • He or she has been passed on judicially as dependent or as a child in need of services (CHINS) by a Georgia Juvenile Court;or, 
  • He or she is between the ages of 18 and 21 and is a citizen or a permanent legal resident of the United States and a legal resident of Georgia.

Through family and community partnerships, the Independent Living Program is designed to achieve the following goals:

  • Education – Earning a high school diploma, GED, completion of a secondary education program, and/or opportunities for postsecondary education 
  • Employment – Financial self-sufficiency through employment and/or community service opportunities that promote job readiness skills 
  • Housing – Safe and secure housing without risk of homelessness 
  • Healthcare – Ensuring access to appropriate health insurance that will adequately provide for his or her physical and mental health needs 
  • Adult Connections – Ensuring permanent social connections with responsible, supportive adults 
  • Avoidance of High-Risk Behaviors – Empowering each young adult to be a productive, responsible member of his or her community

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