GA :: Foster Parent Manual 2017 :: Investigation Of A Foster Home :: Closure Of A Foster Home

GA :: Foster Parent Manual 2017 :: Investigation Of A Foster Home :: Closure Of A Foster Home

DFCS shall permanently close the home of an approved caregiver under the following circumstances:

  • Following a substantiated case of child abuse or neglect, unless a waiver from the county or state level DFCS authority is granted for the home to remain open to facilitate permanency for a specific child 
  • Following an unsubstantiated case of child abuse or neglect if, based on all known information, concerns remain regarding the ability of a foster parent to provide appropriate care 
  • Following any violation of foster care policy that has a direct impact on the safety and well-being of a child in the home 
  • Following a second discipline or serious foster care policy violation, unless a waiver from the county or state office authority is granted for the home to remain open to facilitate permanency for a specific child 
  • Following a second policy violation for failing to obtain the required hours of Continued Parent Development 
  • When a family is unable or unwilling to demonstrate caregiver protective capacity and is not open to change, correction, or DFCS intervention (for example, refusing to sign and comply with a Corrective Action Plan) 
  • When the home fails to meet official Safety and Quality Standards despite directives for corrective measures and opportunity provided for improvements

DFCS shall assess the need to close an approved home if:

  • The home has consistently refused to accept placements 
  • The caregiver has requested closure of the foster home 
  • The home has been deemed unable to provide the necessary care and services required of the child(ren) and family being served 
  • A foster family has relocated and failed to appropriately notify DFCS of the move within the six-month required timeframe 

If closure of a foster home is deemed necessary, DFCS will inform the foster home, in writing, within 10 days of a face-to-face meeting, specifying the reasons for closure and the official closure date.

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