• The foster parent must submit a written complaint utilizing Form 80 “Grievance Notification County Director” to the local DFCS County Director
• The local DFCS office must acknowledge receipt of the grievance using Form 81 “Notification of Receipt: Step One Grievance”. If the Form 80 indicates an agreement to receive notices via electronic mail, this and subsequent communications can be emailed and then copied via USmail
• The local DFCS office must inform the foster parents of their right to have an AFPAG advocate assist and support them with their grievance. If the foster parents choose to have an AFPAG advocate, they must be provided with the contact information: where they can request an advocate online or via phone at 1-877-804-6610
• Local DFCS has *(15) fifteen working days to resolve the complaint and send a written response. A staffing is required if the grievance cannot be resolved otherwise. For example, a grievance concerning a delayed reimbursement may not require a meeting if the check has been sent or will be sent. The staffing must include the County Director, supervisor, case manager and other pertinent staff. This includes the foster parent and advocate if one was requested. The following must be accomplished within the (15) fifteen working day timeframe:
1) Acknowledge receipt of the grievance using Form81;
2) Investigate the grievance;
3) Facilitate a staffing with the County Director, supervisor, case manager, foster parent, AFPAG advocate (if requested) and any other pertinent staff present unless the grievance can be successfully resolved without it; and
4) Send a written response indicating the resolution or decision reached.
• Under no circumstances shall the county department take more than fifteen(15) working days to resolve the problem unless good cause can be shown as to why it would take longer, in which case the county department must send the foster parent a letter, which specifies a date by which the county expects to resolve the issue
• If the complaint is not resolved within fifteen (15) working days from the date the complaint was received by the county department, OR the foster parent does not feel that there was a timely response OR a satisfactory resolution, then the foster parent can send the complaint to the State DFCS Division Director or his/her designee for resolution
*The first day is the next business day after receipt of the grievance. Example: If the grievance is received on Tuesday, day one is counted as Wednesday.
If the complaint is not satisfactorily resolved within 15 business days from the date the complaint was received by the local DFCS, submit a written complaint to the State DFCS Division Director via Foster Parent Grievance Notification:
State Division Director along with a copy of Foster Parent Grievance Notification: County Director, the local DFCS response, and any other pertinent documentation to the State DFCS Division Director or his/her Designee for resolution at: Division of Family and Children Services Division Director 2 Peachtree Street N.W. Suite 19.490 Atlanta, GA 30303
If the complaint is not satisfactorily resolved within 15 business days from the date the complaint was received by the State DFCS Division Director, submit a written complaint to the State Mediation Committee (SMC) via Foster Parent Grievance Notification: State Mediation Committee along with the entire complaint packet, including responses from the local DFCS and State Division Director to:
State Mediation Committee Office of the Child Advocate State of Georgia 7 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, Suite 347 Atlanta, GA 30334
NOTE: If the Step Three Grievance is not filed within 10 business days of the Step Two (DFCS Division Director Response), the grievance is considered closed and no mediation will occur.
• Confirm acceptance of the review/staffing appointment from the SMC via telephone, facsimile, or letter before the complaint will be placed on the SMC’s calendar
• Comply with any requests from the SMC for additional information within three business days of receipt
• Accept the outcome from the mediation as final and determinative of all issues
NOTE: The mediation will result in a written agreement signed at the mediation or an impasse. Either way, it is the end of the grievance process.
See Appendix D for Grievance Process Flowchart
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