GA :: Foster Parent Manual 2017 :: Reimbursement For Out-Of-Pocket Expenditures :: Agreement Supplement

GA :: Foster Parent Manual 2017 :: Reimbursement For Out-Of-Pocket Expenditures :: Agreement Supplement

When a foster child is placed in your home, both you and your case manager will sign a completed Agreement Supplement (Appendix E). This document specifies the beginning and ending dates of the child’s expected stay inyour home. Additionally, your case manager will also provide you with a Contact InformationForm. This form (Appendix F) provides the caregiver with the contact information for the child’s case manager, his or her supervisor, county director, and emergency after hours contact information. 

The fundamental responsibility for the child placed in your home rests with the placement agency. The agency must do everything in its power to promote, protect and safeguard the welfare of the child. The case manager is responsible for ensuring that the placement is appropriate to meet the individual needs of the child and that he or she receives proper care while in placement. The case manager also must work diligently to improve conditions in the child’s home so that, whenever possible, the child may return to his or her biological family.

The case manager shall ensure that the rights and responsibilities of the child, his or her birth parent(s), and the foster parent(s) are respected and fulfilled. The case manager must also maintain continued supervision of the child while he or she remains in the foster home. As a valued member of the foster care team, your perception of what is in the best interest of the child is essential. Your involvement in case reviews, conducted every six months for the duration of placement, will be welcomed and encouraged.

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