GA :: Foster Parent Manual 2017 :: Reimbursement For Out-Of-Pocket Expenditures :: Childcare Expenses

GA :: Foster Parent Manual 2017 :: Reimbursement For Out-Of-Pocket Expenditures :: Childcare Expenses

When childcare services (supplemental supervision) have been approved, childcare expenses are paid via the Childcare and Parent Services (CAPS) Supplemental Supervision program. All Children in DFCS are eligible. As long as a child in DFCS custody, the caregiver’s activity is ‘protecting the child,’ which eliminates the need to verify employment. Children must reside in a regular or relative DFCS foster home.

Reimbursement for care (and applicable registration fees) are paid directly to the childcare provider through the CAPS payment process.

Irregular, or temporary childcare, is sometimes necessary while foster parents attend required DFCS foster parent training sessions. These childcare expenses are reimbursed through the foster parent invoice process for payments made by the foster parent directly to the childcare provider. Caregivers must attach original receipts to their monthly invoice.

Please consult with your case manager to determine the appropriate type of childcare provider for your childcare needs.

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