Responsible, competent youth may benefit from experiences that nurture a sense of responsibility, independence, and self-control, including caring for oneself in the absence of a caregiver.
Caregivers shall make reasonable and prudent parenting decisions when determining whether to allow a youth, 14 years of age or older, to be left under his or her own supervision for short periods of time while the foster parent is away from the home. The foster parent must ensure that the youth is aware of what to do in case of emergency and has access to all emergency contact numbers, including the foster parent and a nearby relative, neighbor, or friend.
Consider the following guidelines when making the supervision decision:
- Length of time in your home thus far
- Judgment and level of maturity or development
- Demonstration of dependability, responsibility, and trustworthiness
- History of emotional and psychological stability
- History of running away and other status offenses
- History of delinquent behavior
- History of alcohol and/or substance abuse
- Number of youth present in the home and their relationships with one another
- Gender, number, and relationships of the youth to be left alone
- History of acting out in a sexual manner
- School performance
- Safety of home environment, including firearm and water safety, as well as any other potential safety concerns
- Youth's ability to immediately reach foster parent or other identified person should the need arise
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