Wraparound services are designed to provide immediate, critical support to placement families and the children entrusted to their care, with the intent of promoting safe and stable families and early reunification. As children enter care, the need for wraparound services will be determined through the Comprehensive Child and Family Assessment (CCFA). If a child does not yet have a CCFA, or if the need for wraparound services does not arise until after the assessment is completed, services will be provided as needed.
Wraparound services include the following:
Crisis Intervention –
Provides immediate services to stabilize a volatile family situation where the safety of the child is not an issue, but may result in a child’s current foster home, relative placement, adoptive placement (pre-finalization), or aftercare placement being at imminent risk of disruption and/or the child being at risk of re-entering foster care.
In-Home Case Management –
Provides case management assistance to families (placement and birth families) in completing the defined goals of the child’s case plan to ensure successful and timely long-term reunification.
In-Home Intensive Clinical/Therapeutic Services –
Provides therapeutic and/or clinical services to the child’s family in preparation for a safe return to his or her biological family and/or to maintain and stabilize a child’s current placement.
Wraparound services should not exceed six months. If a period greater than six months becomes imminent, a waiver isrequired. Services may be used in combination or as separate service components. Wraparound services are accomplished using DFCS-approved private providers.
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