IL :: Child Welfare Fundamentals Study Guide :: Policy And History :: Your Role In Child Welfare

IL :: Child Welfare Fundamentals Study Guide :: Policy And History :: Your Role In Child Welfare

Your Role in Child Welfare

If you are reading this guide as a new child welfare professional in Illinois, welcome to your new position. You are joining a committed group of professionals who serve children and families every day. There are dozens of roles in the child welfare profession, all of which work together to form the safety net for children and families. Some of these roles and their descriptions are listed below.


State Central Registry

Staff at the State Central Registry are often called “hotline worker”. They take the calls at the 24 hour Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline, determine if calls meet the criteria for an abuse or neglect report, and route information to the proper path within the child welfare system. They provide the first assessment of a family that comes to the attention of DCFS.


Child Protection Specialist

Child Protection Specialists are often referred to as “investigators”. They investigate reports of child abuse and neglect by conducting the initial in-person assessment with the family. They gather and analyze evidence to make determinations whether abuse or neglect occurred and make recommendations for services when appropriate.


Child Welfare Specialist – Intact Family Caseworker

Intact Family Caseworkers work primarily with families whose children remain at home with their parents or guardians. Their goal is to keep the children at home in a safe environment. They help families correct the issues that identified them as needing assistance.


Child Welfare Specialist – Placement Caseworker

Placement Caseworkers work primarily with families who have had children removed and placed in substitute care. Their goal is to help families correct the issues that led to the removal of their children and assist them in providing a safe environment for the children to return home. When returning children home is not possible, caseworkers assist in finding families who can provide permanent homes for children.


Child Welfare Specialist – Adoption Caseworker

When efforts to unite children with their parents are not successful, Adoption Caseworkers assist children in becoming a legal member of an adoptive family.


Family Home Licensing Representative

Licensing Representatives recruit foster families and assist them with obtaining foster parent licenses. Representatives provide screenings of applicants, ensuring the home and occupants meet safety standards established by law. They monitor foster homes to ensure that they are providing a safe and nurturing environment for children placed in their homes.

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