IL :: Foster Family Handbook :: Section 3 Working Toward Permanency As A Team :: Teamwork In Child Welfare Decisions :: The Child Welfare Intervention Process

IL :: Foster Family Handbook :: Section 3 Working Toward Permanency As A Team :: Teamwork In Child Welfare Decisions :: The Child Welfare Intervention Process

The ultimate goal of taking a child into temporary custody is to ensure his or her health, safety and well-being. The caseworker, in consultation with the child welfare team, which includes the birth family:

  • assesses the needs of the children and family;
  • plans for needed or desired supportive services;
  • evaluates progress; and
  • recommends case closure when permanency is achieved or safety issues are resolved.


From the beginning of the intervention process to the end, the caseworker makes recommendations to:

  • place a child in substitute care;
  • return a child to the care of his or her family; or
  • move toward alternate permanency planning, such as adoption or guardianship.


All casework decisions are made in collaboration with the parents, the extended family, caregivers and any involved service providers (i.e. intervention team) according to the principles of sound social work practice.


Teamwork Activity: Clinically focused “family meetings” to assess what “reasonable efforts” have been taken to help the family and the family’s progress are required at least quarterly and need to include the caseworker, supervisor, foster caregivers and the parent.

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