IL :: Foster Family Handbook :: Section 6 Education :: Educational Service Planning :: Resources For Educational Support And Advocacy

IL :: Foster Family Handbook :: Section 6 Education :: Educational Service Planning :: Resources For Educational Support And Advocacy

Education Advisors 

Education advisors are located in each DCFS region and are responsible for the overall coordination of educational issues within the regions. Education advisors provide ongoing technical assistance and training for caseworkers, education liaisons, school personnel and foster families. 

Caregivers whose foster care licenses are supervised by DCFS can reach an education advisor by calling the office near their home.

Chicago North312-328-2607
Chicago Central773-292-7732
Chicago South773-371-6028
Cook Suburbs – North and Central773-292-7725
Cook Suburbs – South708-210-3051
Northern Region

815-967-3750 (Rockford) 

or 815-730-4342 (Joliet)

Central Region

217-557-3985 (Springfield) 

309-730-7952 (Peoria) 

or 217-875-6797 (Decatur)

Southern Region

618-583-2125 (E. St. Louis) 

or 618-993-7134 (Murphysboro)

Education Liaisons 

Private foster care agencies employ education liaisons to provide support to caregivers, caseworkers and school personnel with education issues that aff ect only the children served by their individual agency. Caregivers whose licenses are supervised by a private agency should call their agency to reach an education liaison. 

Any caregiver seeking statewide information may call the DCFS/NIU Center for Child Welfare and Education Office at 815-753-8543 (Fax 815-753-0993).


Foster caregivers are required to take the Educational Advocacy class, which provides extensive information on special education. Check with your licensing representative or the DCFS Office of Training at

Section 6, Page 4

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