IL :: Foster Family Handbook :: Section 7 After Foster Care :: Making The Decision To Become A Child’s Guardianship Family :: After Becoming A Guardianship Family

IL :: Foster Family Handbook :: Section 7 After Foster Care :: Making The Decision To Become A Child’s Guardianship Family :: After Becoming A Guardianship Family

Will I receive services from DCFS after becoming a guardianship family? 

Illinois provides extensive post adoption and guardianship services to families. The department wants families to not just survive, but to thrive. The booklet on Post Adoption and Guardianship Services describes the services available. Your caseworker should provide you with a copy. 

After taking guardianship of a DCFS child you will receive the following services:

  • the payments and services specified in the guardianship subsidy agreement; and 
  • available post guardianship services, including: crisis intervention, a toll-free information and referral phone number, family therapy, family and child support groups, adoption and guardianship preservation services, non identifying information and search and reunion services, advocacy and other specialized services needed by the family to ensure that the guardianship relationship is maintained.

Details of these services are described in the Post Adoption and Guardianship Services booklet, referenced above. 

What kind of financial assistance will I receive as a guardian? 

If you enter into a subsidized guardianship agreement, the subsidy amount can be up to the same amount that would be received if the child was in foster care. Because the subsidy amount will be reviewed every year, you will have the opportunity to discuss any problems you are having with the resources being provided by DCFS.

  • payment for legal expenses to transfer the guardianship from DCFS to you;  
  • counseling or therapy costs not payable through private insurance, Medicaid or other publicly funded resources; 
  • a Medicaid card for the child; 
  • payments for physical, emotional and mental health needs not paid for under Medicaid, through public resources or private insurance for conditions whose onset was established prior to the guardianship; 
  • regular day care for children up to age three; 
  • therapeutic day care; 
  • an ongoing monthly payment of up to the same amount that would have been received if the child stayed in foster care, until the child reaches age 18, or 19 if the youth is still in high school. The department may continue the agreement until the child’s 21st birthday if it determines that the child has a physical, mental or emotional disability that is “chronic,” warranting the continuation of assistance; and
  • when the guardianship ends at age 18, the child can still apply for the DCFS Scholarship. (See page 25). Children who are receiving subsidized guardianship assistance may apply for a four-year college scholarship awarded by the department on a competitive basis. A limited number of scholarships are awarded by the department each year to high school or high school equivalent graduates. Youth who enter into subsidized guardianship or are adopted from foster care after attaining age 16 are eligible to enter the Education and Training Voucher (ETV) Program.

What if I have a problem with the subsidy? 

Guardianship subsidies may be increased based on changes in the child’s needs, but payments will not be decreased. The subsidy amount will be up to the same amount that would be received if the child was in foster care. The guardian’s income as well as any benefits the child receives after entering guardianship, such as inheritance, scholarships, or income from a part-time job are not to be considered in determining the amount of the payment. 

The subsidy will be re-certified annually. On the re-certification notice, which comes by mail, there is a place where caregivers can indicate if any changes have occurred. In addition, parents are encouraged to contact the Adoption Support Line at the number listed on page 15 any time a child’s service needs change. Subsidies can be amended to add additional services, such as counseling or day care. If there is a need for broader review, caregivers can request a review by the Post-Adoption and Guardianship Services Review Committee. You will have the opportunity to discuss any problems you are having with the amount being provided by DCFS. Requests for a review can be made by the guardian at any time by calling the Adoption Support Line listed on page 15.

Section 7, Page 13

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