IL :: Foster Family Handbook :: Section 8 Caregivers’ Rights And Responsibilities :: The DCFS Service Appeal Process :: Intro

IL :: Foster Family Handbook :: Section 8 Caregivers’ Rights And Responsibilities :: The DCFS Service Appeal Process :: Intro

Individuals who are currently receiving child welfare services or are requesting services may appeal actions and decisions made by DCFS or contracted agency staff directly to DCFS through the DCFS Service Appeal process. Individuals with the right to fi le an appeal are: children in foster care, birth parents, and foster caregivers or relatives who are the current caretakers of the child/ren in foster care. What issues are appealable depends on the role of the individual f i ling the appeal. The DCFS Service Appeal process is outlined in DCFS Rule 337 and Procedure 337.

Decisions that May Be Appealed Foster caregivers can appeal these decisions to DCFS:

  • a change in the child’s placement—this does not include placement with birth or adoptive parent/s or siblings;
  • decisions that directly affect you. Example: foster care payments;
  • decisions about services for the benefit of the child in your care. Examples: day care, medical, educational or psychological services; and
  • failure to provide services agreed to in the service plan for the benefit of the child in your care. Examples: counseling or providing medical equipment.

Decisions that May Not Be Appealed Foster caregivers may not appeal the following issues:

  • adjustments made in services by changes to state or federal law;
  • issues already previously determined through the service appeal process;
  • issues not defined as “services” under DCFS rules. Foster parents may be directed to other appeal processes within DCFS in these cases;
  • issues that only regard the Medical Assistance Program; and
  • issues in which the court has already entered an order. 
To appeal an indicated finding of child abuse or neglect, or to appeal to remove unfounded records from the State Central Register (SCR), see pages 38-39.

To Appeal, Write a Letter 

Appeal letters should include your name, address and phone number (days and evenings), a statement of your wish to appeal and what decision you are appealing. You should also include a brief summary of your position

Send your appeal letters to:

DCFS Administrative Hearings Unit
       17 N. State, 7th Floor, Chicago, IL 60602 
               Phone: 312-814-5540          Fax: 312-814-5602


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