Each of the DCFS regions has a foster care advisory council composed of foster parents and staff. Each regional council determines how it functions. The Statewide Foster Care Advisory Council regional representative is automatically a member of the regional council. The regional Statewide representative facilitates communication to and from the Statewide Council. Visitors are always welcome at any regional council meeting. Times and locations are available by calling the DCFS regional office. (See Section 1, pages 7-8 for a list of offices.)
Each of the DCFS regions has a foster care advisory council composed of foster parents and staff. Each regional council determines how it functions. The Statewide Foster Care Advisory Council regional representative is automatically a member of the regional council. The regional Statewide representative facilitates communication to and from the Statewide Council. Visitors are always welcome at any regional council meeting. Times and locations are available by calling the DCFS regional office. (See Section 1, pages 7-8 for a list of offices.)
How to Become a Regional Council Member
Regional councils are always looking for both DCFS and private agency caregivers to become active members. If you would like to apply to be a member, talk to the Chair or President of your regional council or call your local DCFS office to inquire about requirements and application procedures. Most regional councils also have subcommittees needing input and leadership.
Agency/DCFS Regional Foster Parent Law Implementation Plans
The Foster Parent Law requires every foster care agency and DCFS region to submit an implementation plan to the Statewide Foster Care Advisory Council by November 30th each year. The implementation plan outlines specific ways the agency or region is putting caregiver rights and responsibilities into every day practice.
Many private agencies also have advisory councils to advise the agency administration on foster care issues. Often, agency and DCFS councils provide input on annual Foster Parent Law implementation plans.
Each agency and DCFS region is required to formulate the plan with input from agency foster parents. If you would like to have input or a copy of the plan, contact your agency or DCFS region.
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