There’s no substitute for knowing and understanding your rights, responsibilities, your authority and that of other child welfare team members, including your agency and DCFS. Find out what state laws, DCFS rules and policies say. Use all of the learning tools at your disposal to learn more — this handbook, available training, the DCFS website for DCFS rules, caregiver networking groups, regional councils and other caregivers who have been through similar circumstances.
Lack of knowledge and differences in interpretation of laws or DCFS rules, policies or procedures can lead to a disagreement of opinion about what can be done for children and families. If you or your caseworker and agency are not sure about what guidance Illinois law or DCFS policies and procedures give in a particular situation, call the DCFS Advocacy Office for Children and Families at 800-232-3798. While the Advocacy Office does not give legal advice or act as formal advocates for callers, it can help both caregivers and agency staff understand DCFS rules and policy and can provide informal advocacy in helping to obtain services for children. Any agency or individual can also request an official, written interpretation of DCFS rules and procedure through DCFS’ Office of Child and Family Policy.
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