Frequently, children entering alternative care require placement on an emergency basis. The Division operates two primary programs as emergency placement services.
One type of emergency placement is provided by foster families who have elected to make slots available from their licensed capacity, to children who require placement at any time during a twenty-four (24) hour period.
- The emergency placement counts in the resource home’s placement capacity
- Due to its immediacy, this type of placement is paid at a much higher rate than traditional care, $32 dollar per diem
- Once a child has spent 60 days in an emergency foster placement, FACES will automatically change the foster youth’s placement code to reflect a standard level of maintenance payment. If the home has an open Foster Home (FH) license and cooperative agreement. If the home does not have an open FH and corresponding cooperative agreement, FACES will change the foster youth’s placement code to reflect level 3 payment level, no payment.
To process a payment requires the following:
- An active Cooperative Agreement for the Purchase of Emergency Foster Care Services, CM-11, entered in FACES
- Open foster youth case management case in FACESTo process a payment requires the following:
The second type of emergency placement is provided by licensed child-caring facilities contracted to provide “emergency residential care”.
- Open the foster youth case management case in FACES
- RCST opens appropriate authorization in FACES
- Invoices for the payment of emergency residential care costs are submitted by the provider directly to the RCST. If there is a question regarding the invoice, the RCST will contact the provider
- Update FACES as necessary to reflect the child’s movement into other types of alternative care or the child’s return to his own family.
Related Practice Alerts and Memos:
7-1-19 – CD19-52 FY20 Rate Increases
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