MO :: Section 4, Chapter 2 (Placements), Subsection 4 – Therapeutic Foster Care Placements :: 2.4 – Therapeutic Foster Care (TFC) Placements

MO :: Section 4, Chapter 2 (Placements), Subsection 4 – Therapeutic Foster Care Placements :: 2.4 – Therapeutic Foster Care (TFC) Placements

Therapeutic foster care (TFC) is a living situation consisting of highly intensive individual treatment for one (1) or two (2) children living in a TFC trained family foster home setting and community environment. TFC is a specialized program for children with significant emotional or behavioral needs, who, with additional resources, can remain in a family setting and achieve positive growth and development.  TFC services are provided by agencies contracted with the Division to develop and oversee Treatment Foster homes.  These contracted agencies shall meet all TFC program specifications outlined in their contract.

TFC programs provide services to youth with severe behavioral disorders, psychiatric diagnoses, delinquency, and symptoms of complex trauma. TFC exists to serve children and youth whose special needs are severe enough that in the absence of such programs, they would be at risk of placement into restrictive residential settings such as hospitals, psychiatric centers, correctional facilities, or residential treatment programs.

Individualized treatment refers to the coordinated provision of services and use of procedures designed to produce a planned outcome in a person’s behavior, attitude, or general condition based on a thorough assessment of possible contributing factors. Because treatment is individualized, each child, youth, and family receives flexible services over time to meet their changing needs. Treatment typically involves teaching adaptive, pro-social skills and responses that equip young people and their families with the means to deal effectively with the unique conditions or individual circumstances that have created the need for treatment. The term “individualized treatment” presumes stated, measurable goals based on a professional assessment, a set of written procedures for achieving those goals, and a process for assessing the results. Treatment accountability requires that goals and objectives be time-limited and outcomes systematically monitored.

The TFC parents are trained and supported by their contracted agency to implement key elements of treatment in the context of the family and community life while promoting the goals of permanency planning for youth in their care.

Each therapeutic foster home and child is assigned a TFC worker with the primary responsibility for the development of treatment plans. The TFC worker also provides support and consultation to the TFC foster parents, to families of children in care, to children enrolled in the TFC program, and to other treatment team members. The TFC worker coordinates activities to ensure children and families receive needed services according to their treatment plan. The contractor provides at least weekly consultation to the TFC home and in-person contact every two (2) weeks or more frequently when indicated.

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