Screening for HIV/AIDS shall occur for children in the following high risk groups:
- Infants born to mothers known to be HIV antibodies positive or who are known to be HIV carriers.
- Hemophiliac youths who received blood or blood products before May 1985.
- Children who have had sexual contact with or who have shared IV needles with persons who are known to be HIV antibodies positive or who are known to be HIV carriers.
- Children whose medical symptoms or sexual histories indicate the possibility of exposure to HIV carriers.
NOTE: Screening results are reliable only for “a moment in time” and do not establish whether a child has been exposed to HIV/AIDS.
The request for HIV/AIDS screening and the results of the screening should be handled in a discreet, confidential manner. The child’s Children’s Service Worker and placement resource should be advised when there is a positive screening result. In order to assure that confidentiality and the child’s right to privacy is protected, other persons involved (Guardian ad Litem, juvenile court, biological parents) will be notified on case-by-case and need-to-know basis. As few people as possible should be notified, depending on the circumstances of the case.
Children who are known to be HIV antibodies positive or HIV carriers and their placement provider should receive specialized counseling services and support to help them deal with the ramifications of the disease and to make plans for the possible deterioration in health.
Related Practice Points and Memos:
7-9-19 – PP19 CM-01 – Timely Informed Consent – Inpatient Hospitalizations and Medication Management Checkups
7-26-19 – CD19-47 – Informed Consent for Psychotropic Medication (Form CD-275)
4-9-20 – PP20-CM-03 – Mandatory Psychotropic Medication Reviews
7-23-20 CD20-34 –Introduction to Child Welfare Manual policy updates to align with best practices and comply with Joint Settlement Agreement requirements.
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