MO :: Section 4, Chapter 5 (Older Youth Program), Subsection 8 – Youth Leadership And Advocacy :: 5.8.2 “What’s It All About? A Guidebook For Youth In Out-of-Home Care”

MO :: Section 4, Chapter 5 (Older Youth Program), Subsection 8 – Youth Leadership And Advocacy :: 5.8.2 “What’s It All About? A Guidebook For Youth In Out-of-Home Care”

The guidebook is to be given to all youth coming into care after age 14 and those youth turning 14 while in care. The book is intended to provide information to youth while in care and transitioning out of care on what they can expect while in care and resources that may help them.  With the passage of H.R. 4980, the Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act., states are required to provide youth in care age 14 and older with information on their rights, explain rights in an age appropriate manner, and document information was provided to youth regarding their rights. Documentation of youth receipt should be noted on the Adolescent FST Guide (CD94) under “Self-Care/Health” section by selecting the checkbox to note the “What’s it All About? – A Guide for Youth in Out-of-Home Care” has been provided to the youth. A copy of the acknowledgement form on the last page of the guidebook is to be placed in the file under the Older Youth Program Section. The guidebook is available on E-forms and located on the CD internet.

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