Family Support Team Agendas
The following are guidelines for structuring FST meetings. This can be adjusted based on the needs of the family and specific case.
- At the beginning of each Family Support Team meeting the Children’s Division must state: “All information provided in this meeting is confidential. Any one not agreeing to keep information disclosed confidential can be asked to leave the meeting for any portion in which he/she is not testifying.” All persons attending the meeting should sign a confidentiality statement (FST-1). This form will be provided to all team members after the meeting is completed.
- Review the Social Service Plan with the team. Discuss any behavioral changes, supports in place to assist the family in reaching their safety goal(s) and overall progress towards the safety goal(s).
- Determine if a recommendation can be made for the child to go home and any changes that need to be made to further support the family’s progress.
- Determine the reasons a recommendation cannot be made for the child to go home at this time and what further behavioral changes are needed before reunification could be recommended.
- Review documents furnished by the parents, if any.
- Determine current treatment needs of individual family members and the family as a unit, and incorporate them into the Social Service Plan. Determine what progress has been made with the family’s involvement in any services or support systems.
- Determine if current placement provider can continue to meet the child’s and/or sibling group’s needs or if additional services are needed to maintain the placement.
- Inform FST members that they can have access to pertinent medical records and/or medical information of the child. Provide FST members with the CD-287 Learn Your Rights brochure.
- Inform the FST members if the child has been prescribed or administered a psychotropic medication as defined in Section 4, Chapter 4 (Working with Children), Subsection 3 – Medical and Behavioral Health Planning 4.3.1 Definitions.
- Ask the members if there is anyone who objects to the Child’s being administered Psychotropic Medication. In addition, if anyone wants to become an Alternative Consenter as defined in Section 4, Chapter 4 (Working with Children), Subsection 3 – Medical and Behavioral Health Planning 4.3.1 Definitions. If yes to either question review the procedure in Section 4, Chapter 4 (Working with Children), Subsection 3 – Medical and Behavioral Health Planning 4.3.3 Informed Consent, Alternative Consenter and document in FACES how the situation was addressed and/or resolved
- Develop a plan for visitation and contact with the participation of Family Support Team members. Efforts should be made to include non-custodial parents in visitation planning. The visitation plan should be agreeable and comfortable and made in the best interest of the child and/or sibling group. The Progress Assessment portion of the Social Service Plan should be utilized during every FST to gather each participants response to‘What good things are you seeing this Parent/Caregiver/Guardian doing and what progress have you observed toward the safety goal?’, their response to ‘What concerns do you still have regarding the progress or behaviors of the Parent/Caregiver/Guardian?’, their response to ‘What more needs to happen in relation to the Parent/Caregiver/Guardian behavioral changes to bring them closer to the safety goal?’ and any next step suggestions to help the family reach their safety goal(s). When gathering this information, be specific about documenting observed behavioral changes within the family. These individual responses, including those of the family, all natural supports, other members of the FST and Children’s Division shall be documented thoroughly in the Social Service Plan Progress Assessment section. Progress documented at the meeting will help the Family Support Team formulate a recommendation about any changes to the child’s permanency plan and placement, including reunification.
- When gathering this information, be specific about documenting observed behavioral changes within the family. These individual responses, including those of the family, all natural supports, other members of the FST and Children’s Division shall be documented thoroughly in the Social Service Plan Progress Assessment section.
- The Social Service Plan Child Section should be reviewed during every FST to determine progress towards identified needs of the child(ren) or any new needs to be addressed. Any changes, met needs or identification of needs should be reflected on the Social Service Plan in the next assessment period.
- Schedule the date and time for the next meeting.
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