MO :: Section 4, Chapter 9 (Adoption And Guardianship Process), Subsection 1 – Adoption Planning Process :: Cross Cultural/Cross Racial Adoptive Placements

MO :: Section 4, Chapter 9 (Adoption And Guardianship Process), Subsection 1 – Adoption Planning Process :: Cross Cultural/Cross Racial Adoptive Placements

We know that our cultural diversity influences our view of the world as well as the world’s perception of who we are. We also know that some differences among people are easily seen while others are subtle. In order to ensure consistency in the child’s day-to-day life, to support the development of a positive self-image, increase feelings of security and reduce feelings of isolation, a child should be placed in a home that respects the child’s cultural identity and can best meet the individualized needs of the child.

In making the selection of an adoptive family, consideration must be given to all the child’s current and future needs. Since adoption is a lifetime commitment for both the family and the child, attention must be given to assessing the many issues involved in meeting the child’s needs and the ability of a prospective family to meet those needs. Once this match has occurred, the placement, if not with the present foster family, should be made as soon as possible. The child’s record must clearly document the staffing, administrative reviews and Children’s Service Worker’s efforts to find an appropriately matched adoptive home for the child as well as documentation as to the reasons a particular home was selected.

Public Law 104-188, Section 1808, 110 Stat. 1903-1904 states:

“(18) not later than January 1, 1997, provides that neither the State nor any other entity in the State that receives funds from the Federal Government and is involved in adoption or foster care placements may –

“(A) deny to any person the opportunity to become an adoptive or a foster parent, on the basis of the race, color, or national origin of the person, or of the child, involved; or

“(B) delay or deny the placement of a child for adoption or into foster care, on the basis of the race, color, or national origin of the adoptive or foster parent, or the child, involved.”

Missouri Statute, Section 453.005.3 RSMo states: The race or ethnicity of the adoptive child, the child’s biological parents, or the prospective adoptive parents shall not be a consideration when determining the best interests of the child, the welfare of a child, the suitability and assessment of prospective adoptive parents, or the home of the prospective adoptive parents in adoptive placements.

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