The sibling relationship is unique and should be fostered in its own right (Youth Leadership Advisory Team, 2002). The sibling relationship in placement can serve as a source of safety, security and promote a sense of well-being and should be considered a priority when considering permanency through adoption. Siblings should be recruited for placement together unless a determination has been made that placement together is not in the best interest of the children.
When considering permanency through adoption for a sibling group it is important to consider the preservation of sibling relationships and bond and understand that siblings placed together can provide support and healing during a time of transition and change.
The Circuit Manager and appropriate regional staff will conduct a Sibling Separation Administrative Review when a Family Support Team has recommended separation of siblings for the purpose of adoption. The Administrative Review Team shall take into consideration the specific needs of each individual child and should review all pertinent information, including therapy reports, the sibling bonding assessment (if completed) and recommendations from the Family Support Team.
If the outcome of the Administrative Review is to deny separation of siblings, recommendations should be made by the Administrative Review Team regarding the placement of siblings together. The Children’s Division should continue to recruit for the siblings as a group. Documentation of the Administrative Review should be placed in the Child’s section of the record.
If the outcome of the Administrative Review is to approve the separation of siblings, the Children’s Division may recruit for separate adoptive resources for the children. Documentation of the Administrative Review should be placed in the Child’s section of the record.
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