Close subsidy via the Alternative Care Client Information screen or Adoption Assistance Client Information screen in FACES, if any of the following events occur:
- The child reaches age 18 or age 21, if an 18 and above Adoption Subsidy Agreement, CD AD 18, has been in place; or
- The date of closing is the last day of the month the child reaches age 18.
- If services are continued past 18 the closure date should coincide with the last day of the service on the subsidy agreement, but must be terminated on the day before the 21st birthday.
- At the request/notification of the family; or
- The date of closing is the date of the request. The worker is to document in the narrative section, the parent(s)’/guardian(s)’ request to terminate subsidy and if known, the reason.
- In the event that a youth leaves the adoptive/guardianship home and the Division is notified by the family, the contract should be left open for a period of six months. The Alternative Care Client Information screen and/or the Adoption Assistance Client Information screen in FACES should be updated to indicate no maintenance. If the youth returns within six months, the maintenance may be re-instated. If the youth does not return within 5 months, a 30-day closing notice – CD-185 – 30Day Notice of Subsidy Termination; should be sent to the parent(s)/guardian(s) and the contract should be closed at the end of the 30 days. The contract will not be re-opened at a later date without the request being denied and the parent(s)/guardian(s) completing the appeal process.
- Upon determination that the child is no longer receiving any financial support from the adoptive parent(s)/guardian(s); or
- The date of closing is the date the child is determined as no longer receiving financial support. Extensive supportive documentation must be present in the file. Some examples include:
- The child is placed out of the adoptive or guardianship home. Obtain documentation from the current and/or past caregivers detailing the parent(s)’ or guardian(s)’ lack of support by not providing for the child (i.e., clothing, gifts, daily essentials, school supplies, etc.)
- The child applies for assistance through the Family Support Division (FSD) as they are no longer living in the adoptive or guardianship home, or receiving support from the subsidy. Utilize the FSD records as documentation.
- The date of closing is the date the child is determined as no longer receiving financial support. Extensive supportive documentation must be present in the file. Some examples include:
- Upon determination that the adoptive parent(s)/guardian(s) are no longer legally responsible for the support of the child (TPR has occurred or the guardianship has been revoked); or
- The date of closing is the date the adoptive parent(s)/guardian(s) is no longer legally responsible for the support of this child. This can include divorce or a court’s action of terminating parental rights or revocation of the guardianship.
- In the event of the death of the subsidized child; or
- The date of closing is the date of the child’s death.
- In the event of the death of both adoptive parent(s) and guardian(s) or the death of a single adoptive parent or guardian, if the subsidy was granted to a single adoptive parent or guardian.
- The date of closing is the date of the death of the adoptive parent(s)/guardian(s).
- The Division may suspend or redirect subsidy payments per RSMo 453.073 on or after January 1, 2015 in the event the child has been:
- Adjudicated dependent and made a ward of the court per RSMo 211.031; and
- Removed from the physical or legal custody of the adoptive parent(s) or guardian(s) by a court of competent jurisdiction.
Update the Vendor Licensure/Approval and Renewal and the Alternative Care Client or Adoption Assistance Information screens in FACES appropriately at closing.
Close the Service Authorization in the Financial Management function as appropriate: notifications from the FACES system will be sent to both adoptive family or guardian(s) and provider, giving at least a ten (10) day notification prior to closing, based on the closing date identified in the Service Authorization Closing.
Send written notice of closing to the adoptive parent(s)/guardian(s) 30 calendar days prior to closing using the CD-185 – 30 Day Notice of Subsidy Termination:
- Include in the written notice:
- The reason(s) why the agreement is terminated; and
- The child’s name, DCN, and actual date of closing.
- Send written notice to the family caring for child or executor of estate, if adoptive parent(s)/guardian(s) are deceased.
Send a request for termination to DFAS Purchasing Unit. Once the agreement is terminated, notification will be sent to the requesting worker.
Report to DFAS Purchasing Unit immediately, if the Agreement was terminated in error and make necessary corrections in FACES.
Record all activities as needed, but at a minimum, any contact with the family, renegotiation through amendment to the contract and within 10 working days of a signed Agreement being received from CMU and the Agreement being sent to the family.
Related Practice Alerts and Memos:
7-1-19 – CD19-52 – FY20 Rate Increases
12-4-19 – PA19-AD-06 – Transitional Living Placements and Subsidy Agreements
1-10-20 – PA20-AD-01 – Legal Fees for AD and LG Subsidies
10-29-2020 – PA20-AD-06 – Child Summary
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