When a parent of a child in Alternative Care moves to another county, the Children’s Service Worker shall:
- Confirm with the parent or collateral that the parent has moved.
- Notify the CD office by sending the CD-175 via email to the circuit in which the parent has moved.
- Complete the recording of all contacts and confer with the new circuit about roles and responsibilities. Close any service authorizations in the former circuit that are no longer needed.
- Ensure that the receiving circuit has any and all information needed to work with the family. Document Imaging is a useful tool to ensure access to the case information.
The Children’s Service Worker in the receiving county shall:
- Confirm the family’s residence and notify the sending county within five days.
- Update the FACES when the family is assigned to a Children’s Service Worker.
- Reauthorize any necessary Children’s Treatment Services or PS child care, if these services are still necessary and available.
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