The recruitment plan summarizes and documents all of the work completed when planning and conducting recruitment activities for the year and is required per PA-CFS 22.01. As part of the recruitment plan development, circuits should evaluate the effectiveness of the prior year’s recruitment activities. The Recruitment Plan should include general, targeted and child specific recruitment activities throughout the calendar year. Information regarding each planned activity should include:
- Date / Venue
- A description of the activity/event
- Identification of team member roles and responsibilities
- Anticipated funds/cost needed
- Supplies
- Recruitment event materials (i.e. flyers, registration information, inquiry sheets, etc.)
The following recruitment activities may be utilized but are not limited to:
- Develop a recruitment theme, or utilize an existing statewide/national theme if available;
- Host community informational meetings;
- Engage foster/adoptive parents and foster parent ambassadors in making person to person contacts or hosting informational meetings to share information about the needs for foster/adoptive families (best single method);
- Display and share flyers, posters, pamphlets, handouts, bumper stickers, yard signs, etc. within the community;
- Coordinate displays at shopping malls, fairs, public events, schools;
- Host a booth at community wide event;
- Partner with the faith based community to share the electronic Heart Gallery during and between services, and share information in their publications;
- Utilize news media (newspaper, radio stations, television stations, cable television operators, neighborhood newspapers, special interest newsletters, etc.) to share information about the need for foster/adoptive care;
- Submit activities to promote them on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter (DSS Facebook Page and Twitter Page).
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