The Children’s Service Worker shall explain to the relative provider the benefits of completing the licensure process. The monthly maintenance payments will cease after the initial 90 days of placement in the relative home. The following benefits are to be presented and discussed with the provider:
- Monthly maintenance payments.
- Respite services.
- Guardianship subsidy is only available if the provider is licensed.
Chapter Memoranda History: (prior to 01-31-07)
CS03-32, CD04-79, CD05-80, CD06-37, CD06-46, CD06-75
Memoranda History:
CD07-36, CD07-65, CD08-55, CD10-61, CD10-102, CD11-88, CD12-30, CD12-31, CD12-88, CD14-09, CD14-27, CD16-18, CD17-15, CD17-42, CD18-16, CD18-39, CD20-20
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