MO :: Section 6, Chapter 16 (Relative Resource Home), Subsection 4, – (Renewal/Reassessment of Relative Foster Home) :: Intro

MO :: Section 6, Chapter 16 (Relative Resource Home), Subsection 4, – (Renewal/Reassessment of Relative Foster Home) :: Intro

Relative foster homes need to be reassessed every two years, just as with other foster homes. The reassessment process will be the same as the initial licensure process, with the exception of the training component for those relatives who wish to exercise the option to forgo the completion of all 30 hours of non-required in-service training and remain licensed. The waiver of 30 hours of in-service training does not include required in-service training as identified in Section 6 Chapter 2 Subsection 5.The worker, or other designee, assigned to the family, will complete the following:

  • Background checks; criminal and Child Abuse and Neglect
  • A home assessment of the caregiver
  • The Resource Home and Safety Checklist Form, CS-45
  • If the relative resource home requires a non-safety licensing standard wavier consideration, complete the CD-152.
  • Check and run the Resource Parent Training screen in order to document that the required In-Service training hours for a relative provider have been met in order to continue to receive the Professional Parenting Payment, and
  • Renew the license by Adding a Renewal on the Vendor License/Approval and Renewal screen in FACES.


Chapter Memoranda History: (prior to 01-31-07)

CS03-32, CD04-79, CD05-80, CD06-37, CD06-46, CD06-75

Memoranda History:

CD10-102, CD11-88, CD17-15, CD17-42, CD18-16, CD18-39

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