MO :: Section 6, Chapter 2 (Resource Provider Training- STARS (Specialized Training Assessment Resources and Support), subsection 6, – (Other Approved In-Service Training)

MO :: Section 6, Chapter 2 (Resource Provider Training- STARS (Specialized Training Assessment Resources and Support), subsection 6, – (Other Approved In-Service Training)

Credit may be granted for other approved in-service training not identified in Subsection 5 of this chapter, if the following guidelines are met:

  • The resource provider must submit the completed CD-114, Resource Family In-Service Training Request form, to the licensing worker prior to participating in the in-service training if the resource provider is requesting mileage or babysitting reimbursement
  • Prior approval is not required. Obtaining prior approval is encouraged since not all training attended may be approved.
  • After review of the request and discussion with the resource provider regarding the request, the licensing worker submits the form to his/her supervisor for approval
  • The worker will notify the resource provider that the training is approved or denied and return the signed CD-114 to the resource provider
  • The resource provider will attend the training and obtain documentation to present to the licensing worker (i.e. brochure, sign-in sheet, syllabus, training hand outs, etc.)
  • The resource provider will complete the summary of what was learned on the CD-114 and submit to the licensing worker
  • Training credit hours will be entered locally as Other Approved In-Service Training using the appropriate “99” code for the general topic of the course.
  • Only 14 hours of non-instructor led in-service training may be approved per two (2) year licensure period
  • If the training is going to become a statewide accepted training, the Regional Director will submit the requested training to the Professional Development and Training Unit to assign a code number.

Other approved in-service training, including but not limited to Children’s Division sponsored or facilitated should be competency based. Flexibility can be allowed for training to occur in various formats such as, but not limited to, small or large group sessions, individual study, readings, coaching, web trainings, conferences, college courses, etc.

Training should have learning objectives outlined to take into account the participant’s knowledge, skill, willingness and ability to practice and perform the desired parenting to meet the needs of the children in care, or to increase knowledge of local resources that may assist in addressing the needs of the children in care.

Credit may be granted for “educational/informational meetings” (less than eight hours) if the content is related to foster care and pre-approved by the Regional Office. A maximum of 2 hours training credit will be allowed. An attendance sign-in sheet will be completed by participants and attached to a copy of the CD-114.

For resource licenses supervised by private agencies, the resource parent should contact their licensing worker regarding from whom they should obtain pre-approval.

Credit hours for approved training may be granted using the following guidelines:

  • Reading a book; one credit hour for each 100 pages
  • Viewing a instructional training video; actual viewing time rounded to the hour and half hour increments
  • Completion of a web-based training; actual participation time rounded to the hour and half hour increments
  • Foster Parent College is a currently pre-approved web-based in-service training resource; training credit for completing Foster Parent College courses is as listed on its website
  • Attending a conference; actual time in training session, not to include travel, meal, or personal time
  • Completion of College courses; each semester credit hour earned equals 15 hours of training

The resource provider shall use the CD-114 for pre-approval of other in-service training credit. If the Regional Office or private agency already has a request form in use it may be used instead of the CD-114 as long as it contains all of the following information:

  • Name and Vendor Number of the resource provider
  • Date training occurred
  • Training, Book, or Tape title
  • Instructor / Author
  • Competency (ies) addressed (Protecting and Nurturing, Meeting Developmental Needs and Addressing Developmental Delays, Supporting Relationships Between Children and Their Own Families, Connecting Children to Safe, Nurturing Relationships Intended to Las a Lifetime, Working a s Member of a Professional Team)
  • Hours of credit requested
  • Signature of licensing worker and his/her supervisor approval
  • Location for resource provider to compose a summary of what was learned including any new parenting skills the provider plans to use in their home or with a specific child

The resource parent may appeal to the Circuit Manger, or Circuit Manger Designee in the Metro areas, if requested in-service training hours are denied by their licensing worker and supervisor. The request should be in writing. The worker and the supervisor must be prepared to provide support for the decision to deny training credit hours. For resource licenses supervised by private agencies, the resource parent should contact their licensing worker regarding to whom they submit an appeal.

Memoranda History:

CD07-48, CD08-57, CD13-71

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