MO :: Section 6, Chapter 2 (Resource Provider Training- STARS (Specialized Training Assessment Resources and Support), subsection 4, – (Pre-Service Training and STARS Competencies :: 2.4.3 STARS, Making the Commitment to Adoption Curriculum

MO :: Section 6, Chapter 2 (Resource Provider Training- STARS (Specialized Training Assessment Resources and Support), subsection 4, – (Pre-Service Training and STARS Competencies :: 2.4.3 STARS, Making the Commitment to Adoption Curriculum

STARS, Making the Commitment to Adoption, was developed by the Spaulding for Children National Resource Center for Special Needs Adoption. The name Spaulding has been used interchangeably with the adoption portion of STARS. The following is an overview of the four pre-service sessions of STARS, Making the Commitment to Adoption: (Although the foster / adopt STARS curriculum allows only one session per week, the STARS, Adopt curriculum allows for more flexibility. Two sessions may be conducted in one week.)

Session One: Exploring Expectations

Trainers share the history and intent of the Making the Commitment to Adopt Curriculum as well as its objectives and assumptions about the training. The meaning of adoption, the process, and the important players in the process are discussed. The video “Before the Adoption Process Begins” is shown to acknowledge participants’ hopes and fears about the process and to lead to a discussion of empowering strategies. Participants explore their fantasies and expectations about the child or children that they wish to adopt.

 Session Two: Meeting the Needs of Waiting Children

Participants will explore the reasons they feel they could adopt particular children and view the videotape, “The Children Who Wait”, to focus on the realities of adopting children who have been abused, neglected, abandoned, and have lived in the child welfare system. Particular attention is given to the issues of separation, loss, grief, attachment, and issues related to parenting the child who has been sexually abused.

 Session Three: Exploring Adoption Issues

Using the Family Network Diagram, participants will explore family supports that may assist them in adopting children who have been abused, neglected or abandoned. The videotape, “Common Issues in Adoption,” addresses issues for which participants will develop strategies in their teams. Participants will be given information on predictable crisis periods in adoption and use their Family Network Diagrams and Genograms to explore their strengths, needs, and challenges in planning for adoption.

Session Four: Making the Commitment

This final session of the training focuses on helping participants look at resources, the commitment necessary for adoption, and tools to help parents get information to make a decision and commitment to adoption of a particular child. The participants will review their ecomaps, view the videotape, “Characteristics of Successful Adoptive Families,” and review a number of tools for getting information and to guide them in making their decisions about adopting. Participants will also be recognized for completing the training.


Chapter Memoranda History: (prior to 01-31-07)


Memoranda History:

CD07-48, CD09-106, CD12-30, CD13-100, CD16-65, CD17-42. CD19-07


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