Resource Parents Have the Right:
- To be treated as colleagues in the child welfare team and in a manner consistent with the National Association of Social Workers’ ethical standards of conduct as described in its Social Worker’s Ethical Responsibilities to Colleagues.
- To receive written notification of the Foster Parent Bill of Rights at the time of initial licensure and at the time of each licensure renewal following the initial period.
- To have full access to the child’s medical, psychological, and psychiatric records in its possession, including reports prior to the child coming into care.
- To have continued full access to all records that come into the possession of the division or of which the division becomes aware.
- The access shall include providing information and authorization for relative provider to review or to obtain the records directly from the medical, psychological, or psychiatric services provider.
- The Resource Parent may decline access to any or all of the child’s records.
- To have regularly scheduled opportunities for pre-service training and regularly scheduled opportunities for pertinent in-service training, as determined by the Missouri State Foster Care and Adoption Advisory Board.
- To be provided training that specifically addresses the cultural needs of children; including but not limited to, information on skin and hair care, specific religious or cultural practices of the child’s biological family, and referrals to community resources for ongoing education and support.
- To be provided prior to placement, all pertinent information, including but not limited to full disclosure of all medical, psychological, and psychiatric conditions of the child, as well as information from previous placements that would indicate the child(ren) may have a propensity to cause violence to any member of the foster family home.
- To be provided with any information regarding the child or the child’s family, including but not limited to the case plan, any history of mental or physical illness, sexual abuse of the child or sexual abuse perpetrated by the child, criminal background of the child or child’s family, fire setting or other destructive behavior by the child, substance abuse by the child or child’s family, or any other information which is pertinent to the care and needs of the child and to protect the foster or adoptive family.
- To have arranged pre-placement visits, except in emergencies.
- To ask questions about the child’s case plan, encourage or refuse a placement without reprisal from the caseworker or agency, and to be updated with new information about the child as it is gathered.
- To be informed in a timely manner about all team meetings and staffings concerning their licensure status or children placed in their home and shall be allowed to participate, consistent with RSMo 210.761;
- To have access to respite care for children in foster care for short periods of time, jointly determined by the foster parent and the child’s case worker.
- To have a clear understanding of their role as well as the role of other team members in achieving case goals;
- To be provided appropriate reimbursement or other financial benefits for services provided foster youth in their care;
- To share information necessary for the medical or psychiatric care of the child to the appropriate practitioners, and to school personnel in order to secure a safe and appropriate education for the child.
- To continue the practice of their own family values, routines and family privacy while respecting the child’s cultural heritage.
- To have visitations scheduled at a time that meets the needs of the child, the biological family and the foster family whenever possible.
- To request the removal of a foster child from their home, with two weeks notice, except in emergency situations.
- To be given first consideration as a former foster parent for placement of a child when the child reenters the foster care system and is not placed in a relative home, or, if the child becomes free for adoption, be given preferential consideration as adoptive parents.
- To be promptly informed by the Division of any complaint against their home or of any condition or problem in their home which adversely affects their “approved” status as resource parent and to receive guidance and support from the Division toward resolution of the condition or problem;
- To have access to a fair and impartial grievance process to address licensure, case management decisions and delivery of service issues. Foster parents shall have access to the child placement agency’s appeals process, and shall be free from acts of retaliation when exercising the right to appeal.
- To receive training and to be kept informed by the Division and its contractors on policies and procedures governing the licensure of foster homes, the provisions of foster care, and the adoption process.
- To be notified by the court no later than two weeks prior to all court hearings. This notification may include, but is not limited to, notice of the day and time of the court hearing, the name of the judge hearing the case, the location of the hearing, and the court docket number. Foster parents shall be permitted to attend and be heard at such hearings.
- To receive, upon request, information regarding a child’s progress after the child leaves foster care.
Chapter Memoranda History: (prior to 01-31-07)
Memoranda History:
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