Each administrative region will establish an Alternative Care Review Board (ACRB) that is composed of seven (7) members and two (2) alternates. Members and alternates are selected as follows:
- Two (2) alternative care (foster/relative/adoptive) parents, of which one shall be a licensed foster parent;
- Two (2) CD employees;
- Three (3) members and two (2) alternates from the following fields or professions:
- Community representative who has knowledge of the provision of alternative care services,
- School employee,
- Juvenile Officer or professional employee of the Juvenile Office,
- Licensed child or family psychologist,
- Physician, nurse, or other qualified medical professional,
- Children’s Service Worker with a private agency that provides services to families and/or children;
- The Regional Director of Children’s Division (CD) will nominate the chairperson and forward the nomination to the Deputy Director for Children’s Division. The Division Director will approve the nominations
ACRB Terms Of Office Are As Follows:
- Initially, four (4) members shall be appointed for a three (3) year term and three (3) members for a two (2) year term. The alternates shall be appointed for a two (2) year term;
- Subsequent members and alternates shall be appointed for two (2) year terms;
- No member or alternate shall serve more than two (2) consecutive terms.
The members of the ACRB shall meet at a location within each region, at least one (1) time per month, depending on the number of requests being filed. The monthly meeting is not required if there are no reviews pending However, board members should try to keep available the same day each month. They will require notification of fifteen (15) working days prior to the meeting.
The members of the ACRB will receive payment for reasonable expenses associated with ACRB business, but will not receive compensation for the performance of their duties. If a member cannot attend, an alternate shall be notified and asked to attend. A quorum at any ACRB meeting will be three (3) members, of whom one will be an alternative care parent and one a CD employee.
The Regional Director of CD May Remove and/or Replace a Member of the ACRB for the Following Reasons:
- Death;
- Resignation;
- Mental or physical incapacitation which limits the member from effectively serving;
- For good cause as determined by the Division Director.
The members of the ACRB shall hold all information obtained in the course of review in the strictest confidence.
Memoranda History:
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