The Intensive Family Reunification Services (IFRS) Contract is similar to IIS, except that the intensive services are focused on efforts to reunify children to their families.
The essential elements of the IFRS Program Include:
- One or more children in the family must be at imminent risk of out-of-home placement;
- No waiting list for services;
- Specialists’ availability within 24 hours of referral;
- Home-based service orientation;
- Focus on the entire family as the service recipient;
- Intensive intervention;
- Specialists’ availability to family 24-hours per day, seven days per week;
- Specialists’ delivery of both concrete and counseling services;
- Regular staffing conducted between the specialist, supervisor, referral agent, follow-up provider and other pertinent individuals;
- Crisis intervention fund available for family emergency needs and treatment enhancement;
- Time limited service period;
- Coordination of IFRS follow-up services;and
- Specialists possess specific educational and training requirements.
Related Practice Points and Memos:
1-10-20 – CD20-05 – Children’s Treatment Services
9-22-20 = CD20-45- Medical Record Fees
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