When paying legal fees directly to an attorney for a child in the custody of the Division, the fees should be reimbursed to the attorney or adoptive parent/guardian. If the provider needs to be assigned a vendor number, staff should assign a vendor number according to the instructions in the FACES Financial System Payment Handbook.
If the child has not been in CD custody or the court has ordered CD to pay for legal fees for a natural parent, payments must be entered in Central Office. Please be sure to attach a copy of the court order to the Payment Request, along with a signed W9 Form if the provider does not have a vendor number. The service code in both situations is LEGL.
Guardianship payments for children in CD custody are paid as vendor type UN and program area AC with a service code of LEGL. For children not in the custody of the Division prior to guardianship, these are paid using CT/CT and service code of LEGL. The maximum reimbursement is $500 per child.
Related Practice Points and Memos:
1-10-20 – CD20-05 – Children’s Treatment Services
9-22-20 = CD20-45- Medical Record Fees
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