The Children’s Division may conduct drug or alcohol testing services of clients (e.g. parents, caretakers or children in out-of-home care) to comply with court orders. These services may also be utilized without a court order with circuit manager approval when deemed appropriate during child abuse/neglect investigations or family assessments or with open FCS, FCOOHC or adoption cases.
All data, information, and results related to client drug testing are confidential. Disclosure of information will only be to those individuals whose official business duties necessitate disclosure or as required by law.
Funding for this service is available through a variety of sources, including the Juvenile Office, Drug Courts, a substance abuse treatment facility, MO HealthNet, Managed Care or through the client’s own insurance. CTS funding should be utilized as a last resort after all other funding sources have been pursued. CTS funding is primarily for court ordered drug testing, but this contract may also be used for non-court ordered drug testing, but only with the Circuit Manager’s approval.
Drug testing can be accessed through the Office of Administration’s statewide drug testing contract with Guardian Medical Logistics (GML). Staff should attach an itemized bill with the CPT (current procedural terminology) codes; and submit to Central Office. Reimbursement for the screenings will be made at MO HealthNet or State contracted rates. In the event that GML is unavailable, staff can access drug testing through other CTS contracts as outlined in Sec. 8, Ch. 7.2.2 above.
Related Practice Points and Memos:
1-10-20 – CD20-05 – Children’s Treatment Services
9-22-20 = CD20-45- Medical Record Fees
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