If SWI RCCI Screening Unit Identifies PN
Intake reports about residential child care operations may be reclassified to a Priority None (PN) for closure in IMPACT by the SWI RCCI Screening Unit only if one of the following situations applies:
- The allegations in the intake report clearly reflect that another DFPS division, another state agency, or law enforcement has investigative jurisdiction. That is, the intake report is outside RCCI jurisdiction.
- The allegations in the intake report have already been investigated in a closed investigation, and the intake report does not include new allegations. The intake involves the same incident that was previously investigated, with the same alleged victim and same alleged perpetrator.
If RCCI Identifies Possible PN
RCCI staff does not reclassify an intake report to a PN. If the RCCI investigator determines that an investigation meets one of the above criteria and is not appropriate for investigation by CCI, the investigator does one of the following:
- If the investigator’s determination is based on information available in CLASS or IMPACT before conducting any investigation activities, the investigator consults with his or her supervisor. The supervisor consults with the SWI RCCI Screening supervisor, and if the SWI RCCI Screening supervisor agrees, the investigation is routed to the SWI RCCI Screening Unit for administrative closure. The SWI RCCI Screening Unit makes the final determination of whether the intake report requires investigation before RCCI gathers new information.
- If the investigator’s determination is based on new information gathered while conducting the investigation, the investigator submits the investigation to his or her supervisor for approval for administrative closure.
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