TX :: Child Care Investigations Handbook :: 3300 Assessing and Processing Intake Reports :: 3322.3 Selecting the Priority of an Intake Report in CLASS

TX :: Child Care Investigations Handbook :: 3300 Assessing and Processing Intake Reports :: 3322.3 Selecting the Priority of an Intake Report in CLASS

The priority assigned to an abuse, neglect, or exploitation intake report in IMPACT automatically transfers to the IMPACT Priority field in the IMPACT Information section of the Intake Report in CLASS.

The screener, supervisor, or designee must select the correct CLASS priority from the drop-down list in the Priority section in the Intake Report. The priority assigned to a report of abuse, neglect, or exploitation in CLASS must be consistent with the IMPACT Priority.

The table below outlines the appropriate CLASS options to prioritize intake reports. Refer to the Definitions of Terms for:

  • Impairment
  • Serious harm
  • Serious incident
  • Serious injury
  • Substantial harm
Options for Intake Priority in CLASSExplanation
Priority 1: Death of a childA child dies while in the care of an operation that is subject to regulation.
Priority 1: Immediate danger of deathA child has been abused or neglected, and the abuse or neglect places the child or other children at immediate risk of death or substantial harm.
Priority 2: Abuse, neglect, or exploitation that does not indicate an immediate danger of death or serious injuryA child has been abused, neglected, or exploited while in the care of an operation that is subject to regulation, but the child and other children are currently safe from risk of death or substantial harm.

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