TX :: Child Care Investigations Handbook :: 3300 Assessing and Processing Intake Reports :: 3332.1 Selecting Allegations of Violations in CLASS

TX :: Child Care Investigations Handbook :: 3300 Assessing and Processing Intake Reports :: 3332.1 Selecting Allegations of Violations in CLASS

Regardless of the priority or whether an intake report is assigned for investigation, the Allegation Type checkboxes must accurately reflect the allegations in the intake report. If additional allegations arise during the investigation, any additional boxes related to those allegations should be checked on the Investigation Main page. The table below outlines the allegations of violations of minimum standards in CLASS:

Allegation Types in CLASSExplanation
Standard/Law ViolationAllegation of a violation of a law, administrative rule, or minimum standard.
Illegal OperationAllegation that care is being provided to children by an operation that does not have a permit, and the operation may be subject to regulation.
Suicide AttemptAllegation that a child attempted suicide while in care of a residential operation.
Child DeathA child dies while in the care of an operation that is subject to regulation.
Serious Harm/InjuryAny physical injury to a child that requires medical treatment and resulted or may result in impairment to the child’s overall health or well-being.
Near FatalNear fatal injuries (previously known as critical injuries) are a subset of serious injuries in which the child would likely have died as a result of the injury or medical condition if the child had not gotten medical attention. In most circumstances, medical intervention includes admittance to an intensive care unit.
Child ArrestA child in care of a residential operation is arrested.
Illness Requiring HospitalizationA child in care of an operation has an illness requiring hospitalization.
Child Run AwayA child in care of a residential operation runs away from the residential operation.
Caregiver Drug AbuseAllegation that a caregiver in a residential operation is abusing drugs.
Domestic ViolenceReport from law enforcement that law enforcement responded to a domestic violence call at a foster home.
Endangering PersonAllegation that a sex offender’s address listed in the sex offender registry matches a child care operation’s address.
Child Sexual AggressionAllegation of sexual behavior in which a child takes advantage of another person in a sexual way through seduction, coercion, or force. Must document the number of children involved.
Child-on-Child Physical AbuseAllegation of child-to-child behavior that results in a child sustaining observable substantial harm requiring medical treatment. Must document the number of children involved.
Abuse/Neglect Physical AbuseAllegation meeting the definition of physical abuse in 40 TAC §707.789
Abuse/Neglect Emotional AbuseAllegation meeting the definition of emotional abuse in 40 TAC §707.787
Abuse/Neglect Sexual AbuseAllegation meeting the definition of sexual abuse in 40 TAC §707.791
Abuse/Neglect Physical NeglectAllegation meeting the definition of neglect of physical health in 40 TAC 707.801
Abuse/Neglect Medical NeglectAllegation meeting the definition of neglect of medical needs in 40 TAC 707.801
Abuse/Neglect Neglectful SupervisionAllegation meeting the definition of neglect of supervision needs in 40 TAC 707.801
Abuse/Neglect ExploitationAllegation meeting the definition of exploitation in 40 TAC 707.799

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