TX :: Child Care Investigations Handbook :: 3300 Assessing and Processing Intake Reports :: 3341.3 Notification of Priority None (PN) Intake Reports Involving a Child in DFPS Conservatorship

TX :: Child Care Investigations Handbook :: 3300 Assessing and Processing Intake Reports :: 3341.3 Notification of Priority None (PN) Intake Reports Involving a Child in DFPS Conservatorship

If an intake report involving a foster home or a child in DFPS conservatorship is reclassified to a Priority None (PN), the SWI RCCI Screening Unit, CCI supervisor, or designee must notify the following people as soon as possible, but no later than 48 hours after DFPS received the intake:

  • The CPS caseworker and supervisor assigned to the alleged victim.
  • The CPS caseworkers and supervisors assigned to any other children in the foster home.

The SWI RCCI Screening Unit, CCI supervisor, or designee notifies the CPS caseworker and supervisor by completing the Notifications section in IMPACT on the Priority/Closure page, before stage progressing the intake report.


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