TX :: Child Care Investigations Handbook :: 4300 Conducting the Investigation :: 4323.3 Reviewing Documents From CPS

TX :: Child Care Investigations Handbook :: 4300 Conducting the Investigation :: 4323.3 Reviewing Documents From CPS


The investigator may need to review documentation located in a CPS record in IMPACT if:

 •  the investigation involves a child in conservatorship of CPS; or

 •  a joint or concurrent investigation with CPS is being conducted.

The investigator may need to review the following types of CPS documentation located in IMPACT related to the investigation (INV), substitute care (SUB), or adoption (ADO) stages of service:

a.   Person Detail information

b.   Contact narratives

c.   Legal Actions

d.   Child’s Service Plan

e.   Placement information

f.    Common Application

g.   Family Tree

If a CPS case is marked Sensitive, the investigator requests assistance from the assigned CPS caseworker to obtain access to the information.

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