TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 10300 Post-Secondary Education Programs :: 10311 Issuing the College Tuition and Fee Exemption Letter

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 10300 Post-Secondary Education Programs :: 10311 Issuing the College Tuition and Fee Exemption Letter

Designated CPS staff issues the college tuition and fee exemption letter to the student. The student submits the letter to the school the student attends, as part of the school’s application process. While CPS staff issues the letter, the school decides whether to grant the tuition and fee exemption.

CPS State office staff, regional PAL staff, or adoption assistance eligibility specialists must use IMPACT information to determine whether DFPS can issue the tuition and fee exemption letter. Once designated staff determines that the youth or young adult can receive the letter, the designated staff must:

  • Complete Form 1810 The DFPS State College Tuition and Fee Waiver [sic, broken link]PDF Document.
  • Send completed Form 1810 for eligibility review and signature to authorized staff:
    • DFPS State office Transitional Living Services staff for youth or young adults who were not adopted.
    • Regional Preparation for Adult Living supervisor level or higher for youth or young adults who were not adopted.
    • DFPS Regional Operations Support administrator (ROSA), program administrator, Single Source Continuum Contractor (SSCC) equivalent, or CPS regional director for youth or young adults who were adopted.
    • DFPS State office Adoption Assistance program specialist for youth and young adults who were adopted.
  • Provide the youth or young adult the completed and signed Form 1810.
  • Document in IMPACT that the form was provided to the youth or young adult.

As part of a youth’s case planning, the caseworker must inform the youth of the college exemption before the youth ages out of foster care. A young adult may receive more than one tuition exemption letter if changing schools, or if the school requests a new letter each academic year.

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