Once the caseworker designates a medical consenter, and the medical consenter meets training requirements, the caseworker must:
• issue Form 2085BWord Document Designation of Medical Consenters;
• have the appropriate parties sign the form;
• give signed copies to the medical consenter and backup medical consenter;
• give copies to the residential provider; and
• file a signed copy of Form 2085B in the case record.
All parties must sign the appropriate forms by the next business day after placement of a child. Faxed forms are acceptable.
The caseworker must consent to medical care until a medical consenter (and backup medical consenter) has been designated and signed the appropriate forms.
An Individual Other Than a CPS Employee
If the medical consenter or backup medical consenter is a caregiver affiliated with a residential provider:
• the caseworker must discuss the designation with a representative of the residential provider; and
• the representative also signs the appropriate section of Form 2085BWord Document Designation of Medical Consenters.
Residential providers include:
• emergency shelter professional employees;
• private Child Placing Agency (CPA) foster parents;
• pre-consummated adoptive parents;
• general residential operation (GRO) child care facility cottage parents; and
• persons providing support for family and caregivers.
CPS Employees
The primary caseworker and the supervisor must discuss any proposal to designate another caseworker as medical consenter or backup medical consenter. The supervisor must contact the potential designee's supervisor, who assigns the potential designee.
The primary caseworker must issue Form 2085BWord Document Designation of Medical Consenters, entering the name of the medical consenter or the backup medical consenter in the appropriate sections. The caseworker serving as medical consenter, the primary caseworker, and the supervisor must sign Form 2085B.
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