Notify SSA When a Child Who Receives Benefits Enters Conservatorship
DFPS must promptly notify the Social Security Administration (SSA) when a child who receives SSA benefits is placed in DFPS conservatorship. These benefits include Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (RSDI). Prompt notification prevents benefit overpayment to ineligible payees.
The regional SSI coordinator must notify SSA when the coordinator learns or determines that a child in conservatorship receives SSA benefits.
Upon notification, SSA suspends the child’s benefits pending receipt of the application by DFPS to be representative payee for the benefits.
Access SSA’s Wire Third Party Query System for Benefits Information
WTPY does the following for DFPS staff:
- Provides staff with access to SSI and RSDI benefit information from SSA.
- Allows staff to determine if a child in DFPS conservatorship is a current or former recipient of federal benefits. This enables the SSI coordinator to promptly do either of the following:
- Notify SSA that the child is now in DFPS custody and apply for DFPS to be named representative payee for his or her benefits.
- Reapply with SSA to reinstate the child’s benefits with DFPS as representative payee.
Use of the WTPY system is based on the Agreement Between the Social Security Administration and the State of Texas. DFPS staff may use the system only to find information on children in DFPS conservatorship. The WTPY system is used to determine if a child is a current or former recipient of federal benefits. Copies of the WTPY inquiry results cannot be sent for storage with the eligibility file or uploaded into OneCase.
HHSC Benefit Searches Versus WTPY Queries
Foster care eligibility staff must complete a WTPY query on all children as part of the initial foster care assistance application process. The specialist must include a printout of a screenshot of the search in the child’s eligibility file to verify whether a child is receiving benefits.
If eligibility staff verifies through WTPY or other means that a child is receiving federal benefits, the specialist must notify the regional SSI coordinator by the close of business the day after the verification is received. The SSI coordinator files an application with SSA for DFPS to become the representative payee for the benefits.
For procedures on obtaining WTPY security from SSA or for lockouts and other system problems, see Appendix 1514: Requesting Wire Third Party Query (WTPY) System Access.
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