Staff must maintain a foster care eligibility case record if a child is certified for Title IV-E state-paid or Medical Assistance Only (MAO) foster care. Staff includes the following documents in the foster care eligibility record:
- IMPACT Foster Care Assistance Application.
- IMPACT Foster Care Reviews.
- Original petition and affidavit of removal order.
- All court orders, in chronological order, with most recent order on top.
- Copies of child’s birth verification or birth certificate.
- Copies of child’s SSN verification, or a copy of the child’s Social Security Card.
- Miscellaneous items and internal and external correspondence.
- Placement and Service Level List pages from IMPACT (needed only for audit file requests).
- Eligibility Summary List pages from IMPACT (needed only for audit file requests)
- Extended foster care documents, if child is older than 18 years of age.
- Eligibility inquires, including screenshots of external databases.
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