TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 1500 Eligibility for Child Protective Services :: 1534 Additional Eligibility Requirements for State-Paid Foster Care

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 1500 Eligibility for Child Protective Services :: 1534 Additional Eligibility Requirements for State-Paid Foster Care

Besides the requirements in 1530 Foster Care Assistance Eligibility Requirements for Children and Youth Who Are in DFPS Conservatorship, a child must meet the following criteria to be eligible for state-paid foster care.

A child is eligible for non-IV-E foster care if all of the following are true:

  • He or she is not eligible for Title IV-E foster care assistance.
  • He or she meets requirements in 40 TAC §700.316.
  • He or she is placed by DPFS in a foster home or other residential child-care facility, or in a comparable residential facility in another state.

In addition to the above criteria, the child must also meet one of the following criteria:

  • He or she is the subject of a suit DFPS has initiated and for which DFPS has been named as conservator.
  • He or she is a child for whom DFPS has the duty of care, control, and custody after taking possession of the child in an emergency.

General revenue funds are used for children who are not U.S. citizens or qualified aliens as defined by federal law.

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