When a child receives SSI, RSDI, or benefits from another source and is not eligible for Adoption Assistance payments, CIA staff forwards the SSI, RSDI, and any other monthly payments appropriate to use for cost of care to the prospective adoptive parents. DFPS remains representative payee of the child’s benefits until the adoption is consummated and keeps the child’s conserved funds in the child’s savings account.
After consummation, the SSI coordinator does the following:
- Resigns as the representative payee for the benefits.
- Notifies the child’s caseworker to inform the child’s adoptive parents that their child was receiving SSA benefits while in care and that the parents should contact their local SSA office to inquire about possible benefits for the child.
- Ensures the following funds are returned to SSA or the entity issuing the monthly payment:
- All conserved funds, including those in a dedicated savings account.
- Any monthly benefits received by DFPS after the adoption was consummated.
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