The caseworker is responsible for securing appropriate educational and other services for children in substitute care, taking into account the child’s interests, strengths, and needs. The caseworker must coordinate significant educational decisions with:
• the education decision-maker (see 15370 Education Decision Making);
• the caregiver (if different from the education decision-maker);
• the child or youth; and
• other persons involved with the child, such as a surrogate parent if the child is eligible for special education services.
Ensuring Educational Stability
In order to promote education success and stability, DFPS caseworkers must:
• ensure the child continues to attend the same school the child attended before entering DFPS conservatorship, even if the student is outside the attendance zone or changes placement while in DFPS conservatorship, unless it is not in the child’s best interests to remain in the same school;
• ensure the caregiver enrolls students in school within two days after placement, if the child cannot remain in the same school;
• ensure the caregiver provides the official withdrawal documentation from the school the child was attending to the new school the child is enrolling in;
• ensure the caregiver completes and signs the school-provided form to “opt out” of corporal punishment for a child or youth in conservatorship. If the school does not provide a form, the caregiver provides the school with a written and signed document to “opt out” of the school using corporal punishment for a child or youth in conservatorship;
• provide the caregiver with the appropriate version of Form 2085 [sic, intranet link]External Link Placement Authorization and Form 2085E [sic, broken link]Word Document Designation of Education Decision-Maker to give to the child’s school at initial enrollment, for any subsequent school placement changes, and annually;
• create an education portfolio and provide it to the caregiver;
• ensure the education portfolio is updated regularly;
• review and update the child’s Education Portfolio regularly, and enter current education information into IMPACT;
• file Form 2085E Designation of Education Decision-Maker with the appropriate court within five days after the initial adversary hearing;
• update the court in the next permanency progress report if there are any later changes to the Education Decision-Maker or Surrogate Parent;
• ensure the caregiver, the educational decision maker (if different than the caregiver), and the school receive updated copies of the Education Decision Maker form immediately (but no later than five days) if there are any changes in the Education Decision-Maker or Surrogate Parent, including if a Surrogate Parent is appointed for the first time;
• ensure school records from the child’s previous schools have been requested through the school district;
• schedule a child’s appointments whenever possible after school, during the evening, or on the weekend so as not to interfere with school instructional time. If an appointment must be scheduled during the school day, select times which will be the least disruptive for the student, and avoid having the student always miss the same period or class repeatedly. Generally, students do not return to class after a mental health or therapy session;
• provide an excuse note for the caregiver to give to the school for any court-ordered or case plan related reasons if a child has to miss school; and
• consult with the school’s district foster care liaison and the regional education specialist when necessary.
In order to promote education success and stability for a student with a disability, the caseworker must also:
• ensure the educational needs and goals for the student are met, including:
• ensuring an Individualized Education Program (IEP) is developed,
• securing appropriate special education and other services as determined by an Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) committee, and
• ensuring any accommodations for the student required under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 are implemented;
• consult with the regional education specialist for education-related concerns or issues, upcoming ARDs, or Manifestation Review Hearings;
• participate or arrange DFPS representation in the student’s ARD committee meetings, as necessary; and
• attend or arrange DFPS representation for a child or youth’s Manifestation Review Hearing (held to determine whether a child’s actions are a manifestation of his or her disability), if any are held.
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